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Wirtualna Ruda







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"Orzegów" coking plant technology

part 1



The technology path


Within last 200 years, the coke-chemical industry played a major role in the economic life of Ruda Śląska. The production of coke and carbon-based products stimulated not only the development of bituminous coal mining, but also had a significant impact on the iron and non-ferrous metal smelting.


At the end of 19th century, in the Gotthardschacht (Karol) mine were found deposits of bituminous coal suitable to manufacture coke. This discovery gave birth to a new investment – the Orzegów coke plant.


In order to produce coke, it was necessary to possess coking coal, which was characterised by the volatile gas content between 14 and 30%, had a significant coking ability, and average or high expansion pressure. The Orzegów coke plant used the technology of high temperature (1000 °C) degassing (pyrolysis) of coking coal. Pyrolysis consists of a dry coal distillation in a series of coking chambers making a battery that are heated with a diaphragm without injection of air (hermetically sealed).


cross-section of a coal mine (from the book Chemiczna Technologia Węgla (Chemical Coal Technology) by Błażej Roga and Kazimierza Tomków, WNT, 1971, p. 164)










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